About Me
Hello, my name is Brock.
I am currently a freshman at the University of Utah, pursuing a computer science degree. I have experience in web development and game development, with projects in C#, C++, HTML, CSS, JS, and Python.
I love exploring the crossroads between computer programming and other fields, especially environmental science. Currently, I am working on creating a pollution simulator in Unity with C#, with the ability to test how different environments and ecosystems react to man-made structures such as coal plants, nuclear reactors, or solar fields. I believe it could be a great tool for visualizing the environmental consequences of our actions, especially for younger children - who have a harder time understanding the logistics of pollution. I have high hopes for this project and plan to add increased functionality for other items such as water pollution and deforestation. As I continue working on this project and develop more operational prototypes I will post updates here.
Looking toward the future I would love to continue combining my passion for computer science with my love for the Earth to make a tangible positive impact on my community. If you would like to see more of what I have been up to, please check out my LinkedIn below.
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